Thursday, 13 October 2022 12:49

What do luxury yachts hide?

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A garage for a speedboat, space for a helicopter, quad bikes, miniature submarines and swimming pools are just some of the things luxury yachts can have. Among the most unusual orders was, for example, a special karaoke room below the deck. The yacht market is growing all the time, also in Poland.

Thursday, 13 October 2022 12:46

A home-made way to arrange an interior

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Spring and summer are the times when the most renovations are carried out. It is during this period that we decide to repaint the apartment or buy new furniture. If we lack ideas, we suggest how to effectively refresh your apartment.

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Peace and quiet, your own corner to relax and forget about work and duties. Are you wondering how to make your dreams of a beautiful garden come true? Nothing simpler - just trust the professionals.

Thursday, 13 October 2022 12:41

Mistakes made in feeding children

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A baby's body needs a lot of nutrients to be able to develop properly. At this stage of life, it is extremely important to balance the diet and provide the body with all the most necessary micronutrients. What are the most common mistakes made in feeding children? You will find out by reading this article.

Thursday, 13 October 2022 12:38

Frequent infections in children

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Often parents ask themselves what causes recurring infections in their children? The most important cause is contamination of each other in a nursery or kindergarten, allergy and lack of immunity. In order to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor should order laboratory tests.

Thursday, 13 October 2022 12:31

High creditworthiness helps you find love

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People with the highest creditworthiness index not only feel better about themselves, but are also more likely to form formalized relationships with others, the DFRB study found. In contrast, nearly half (49%) of WalletHub's respondents said they would not marry someone with a negative credit history, while (34%) would not even choose to date them.

Thursday, 13 October 2022 12:29

Finance under control

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If we believe the media and metrics that the government floods us, Poland as a profitable island of Europe - however it may sound and what it actually means, is constantly developing, and private entrepreneurs obviously make a huge contribution to this development.

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Organizing holidays in sports is becoming more and more popular and ordinary holidays that we go to lie on the beach or visit monuments are slowly giving way to modern holidays with a flair for sports.